We just filed our taxes and are having our annual tax-paying blues (perfect way to end a five-day weekend), so it seems like an appropriate time to remember happier, carefree times and share some photos of the picnic we had yesterday with our friends Julie and Eileen.
We had hoped to go to beach at Toqueville (near Deauville in the north) for the day, but that didn't work out, and the next best thing was laying in the sun in the Bois de Boulogne. We had planned to rent a rowboat as well, but by the time we got out there we were too hungry to do anything but eat. We took the water taxi across to the little island on one of the lakes and found the perfect place to picnic, ignoring all the 'no picnicking' signs.
There were two peacocks roaming around to keep us company.
We lazed about for a couple of hours enjoying the sun and commenting on the constant stream of rowers that went past. It was a lovely afternoon, one that we will hopefully be repeating (with boats and a real camera) very soon and very often.