Sunday, September 11, 2005

Erik and Torie take on Japan!

Well, we made it! After travelling for about 24 hours (Toronto-Detroit, Detroit-Osaka, Osaka-Oda) we met up with Steve. He had arranged for us to get a train 40 min. after we landed (I wasn't so sure that would work...) luckily our plane was 15 min early, and the Japanese woman he had recruited was ready and waiting to give us our envelope with further instructions. What an adventure.

Life is Japan is good. Steve took us to a sports day yesterday at one of his old schools, and what an adventure that was. We were all on a team and got to compete in events such as the ball toss, relay and tug of war. Other activities that students participated in were ones such as tire tug of war (junior high school girls fight over tires, dragging them to their side of the court), crazy obstacle courses, and well choreographed dances, one of which ended in a congratulations sign being held up and Erik and I being pushed onto the field. Pictures are coming soon.

That evening we went to a teachers enkai (party) and experienced things such as the banzai, crazy teachers doing backflips, and some crowd surfing. Truly things that one could never imagine.

After an exciting walk home last night complete with sandal tossing, and searching through the jungle for lost sandals, we awoke in time for Steve to take us on a crazy bike ride around and up the mountains of Oda. It was amazing.

Hard to believe we've only been here for three days. Tonight we're staying at some fancy japanese style hotel and visiting a house that will be dismantled and rebuilt in France as some architect thinks it's a work of art. Can't wait.

Stay tuned!
Erik and Torie

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