Saturday, July 26, 2008


en vacances.

Well, presque.

Yesterday was the last day at the nursery school, and so aside from some clean up that we have to do at school on Monday, I am now kid-free until September. What a relief! Plus one of the parents was nice enough to give us each a bottle of Champagne as a thank you gift, which I decided Erik and I should enjoy this afternoon. Because, when you're on vacation, you can enjoy things like Champagne in the middle of the afternoon. I did have to work this morning, but nothing makes bubbly taste bubblier than a couple of hours at the gym.

Anyway, the presque part is the fact that I still have to teach my fitness classes until I actually leave the country, but the fact that I have the weekends off is more than enough to make up for that minor inconvenience.

I'm off now to the FNAC to see if I can find a book about hiragana and katakana in preparation for our upcoming trip.

Oh, and did I mention that I got to go for a massage on Wednesday? It was a gift from one of the classes at school, and it was AWESOME. In a perfect world I'd be doing that every week. Plus I got a new cell phone (completely unrelated to the massage, and not a gift. Decided to take the plunge and commit to another two years of cell phone service). Very exciting.

Life is sweet :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah - you are living the good life now aren't you! I hope you thought of us when you enjoyed the bubbly, needless to say I did not receive any from my students!!