Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Bike Ride

Steve and Yoshimi had planned an extensive hike/bike for Thursday and Friday, ending up at a traditional ryokan.

We walked through small towns, and rice fields

The walk portion ended at this temple, where the rain and biking began (it always rains when we bike)

After a very steep ascent up the mountain, we spent the majority of the two hour ride coasting down hills and through more small sleepy towns.

And all great Steve style bike rides end, of course, with food.

At the Tanukuni-no-kuni restaurant we were rewarded with ENORMOUS bowls of ramen, steamed pork buns, and sweet sesame balls.

We spent that night at a beautiful ryokan in a nearby town. Stay tuned for details on that, and on the amazing dinner we had there just two hours after our ramen 'snack'.

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