Friday, March 03, 2006

A Return Trip

Today's conversation with the snooty French DHL woman:

Her: You have to pay 64 euros to get your camera
Me: I don't understand why I have to pay if it is my own personal camera that I've owned for over a year.
Her: I told you yeterday. If you don't have the reciept with your name on it, you have to pay taxes. It will cost 64 euros.
Me: It seems silly to me to have to pay 64 euros after having spent X amount of money getting the camera repaired. What happens if I don't pay?
Her: The camera will be returned to Karina, and she will not have to pay for any of the shipping.
Me: Fine. I guess you should send it back.
Her: Alright, I will inform the shipping company. Have a nice day!!! (overly pleasant tone of voice).
Me: Click.

Once again, I am ridiculously frustrated. The camera is now on it's way back to St. Albert, and I have no idea how to get it here. We obviously don't have a purchase reciept, and cannot get one.

I have to say it seems like the cost of sending this stupid camera from Canada and back is probably way more than 64 euros.

And why the heck did the shipping company not know about all this before it even got sent? Isn't it their job to ship things internationally?


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