If I didn't have to teach about Christmas, I probably wouldn't realize that it's only about three weeks away. Sure, the Monoprix has upped the toy content on the first floor, and the grocery section has been all but taken over by boxes of chocolates and displays of foie gras and magret de canard, but would I really realize it was December if I didn't have to buy a new metropass? Probably not. All I'm counting down for these days is my next vacation.
So, what have we been up to around here?
I was lucky enough to go on not one, but two field trips with the Nursery School last week. On Thursday we went to see the Cubism exhibit at the Picasso Museum with the four year olds. They were pretty cute, and had done a lot of work on Picasso, but they were also pretty excited about the picnic lunch we were going to have. After the second room they started asking when we were going to eat.
On Friday I accompanied the five year olds to the Musee du quai Branly where we did a safari visit to learn about animals from around the visit. The visit was really well organized, and the museum is really cool! I had never been before, and it's on my list of places to go back to. Field trips are fun and all, but man are they exhausting! Especially since the entire school seems to be sick with the same hacking cough, and to spend two whole days telling kids to cover their mouths after they've just coughed in your face gets old pretty fast. Good thing they're cute. :)
This weekend I was at another fitness training, this time for BodyAttack. Only two days this time, and I'm beginning to feel like an old pro. Our instructor was over an hour late on Saturday morning, his train was late coming in from London. Then he forgot to reset his watch only to realize late in the afternoon that it was an hour later than he thought. We managed to get through everything we needed to despite all this, and had a good time doing it. We even did the beep test. Remember that? I don't think I've done it since high school. I met lots of great people, including one who has the exact same birthday as me who I'm hoping to teach with on Sunday. Now I just need to work on getting some of my own classes to teach...
Getting back to the holidays, we finally have confirmation that our guests will be joining us. Steve and Yoshimi get in bright and early on the 29th. Alex is also going to be here over New Years, and we're looking forward to seeing her too.
So there you go. A glimpse into our 'super exciting' Parisian lives.
Now it's your turn. Drop us a line and let us know how you're doing. :)
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