me, clearly, because I got to enjoy so much bread. I can't believe I'm posting this picture, but hopefully you'll excuse the blanket skirt (cold) and the horrible expression.
But seriously, we did our bread tasting last night, and as I expected, it wasn't too difficult. There was a clear, and expected winner, with the Monoprix downstairs bread coming in a close second. The other two were almost inedible when compared so closely to the others, but I'm sure a nice bath in eggs and milk for French toast will solve that problem.
Here's the play by play, for all who are interested:
Erik's super scientific blind taste test set up. All loaves were of the Tradition variety, except for C which was a regular baguette, and kind of made it pretty obvious where it came from.
D: Monoprix downstairs (2nd place)
A: bakery next to the Monoprix--I absolutely hate this bakery, not only because the bread tasted really chemical-y, but because they once sold me a stale loaf of bread. Last place.
B: Moisan Bakery, the organic bakery near Denfert Rochereau. The line up is regularly out the door when we go there, and rightly so. I've never left with JUST bread. After spending 15 minutes in line drooling over all the other things they've got on display, it's just not possible. 1st place.
C: the bakery on Ave du Maine across from the train station that's open on Sundays and closer to home than Moisan. This was the non-Tradition baguette, which means that its insides were the equivalent of Wonder bread compared to the others. Still better than evil stale bread bakery though.
Funnily enough, the baguette we eat most often isn't even from our neighbourhood. There's an excellent bakery near the nursery school, and since I'm in that area every day either teaching or tutoring, I make an effort to buy from there whenever possible. Unfortunetly the commute usually means that half the bread is missing by the time I get home....
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