Friday, February 22, 2008

Queen West

I don't even know what to say. I can't stop thinking about how horrible a fire it must have been, and how sad it is that all those buildings were destroyed, and I keep wondering how much it will change the neighbourhood once rebuilding begins. Mostly I think I can't stop thinking about it because it was literally right around the corner from our house on Augusta, and that was our neighbourhood. We spent the better part of an hour trying to remember exactly what stores were on that particular stretch of Queen, and it just reminds me how much we loved that area. We used to go to the falafel shop all the time, and I got my bike tuned up at the cycle shop. Maybe part of it is that I like thinking that things in Toronto haven't changed since we left, and it's hard to accept that that part of Queen St will never again be how we remember it. Maybe it's hard to realize that although I'm happy here in Paris, and do truly want to stay longer, I really, really miss the life we had in TO.

Well, this last one is just a nice shot of Erik and his mom. Had to post it. :)

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