Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jeudi noir and another long week...

I don't know what it is, but I feel like I've been dragging my feet since we got back from Canada. I'm always tired, and I've been looking forward to the February holidays pretty much since our plane landed at Charles de Gaulle on January 4th. Maybe it's the unseasonably cold weather, combined with the seasonably grey and damp weather, maybe I'm getting too old to shake off jet-lag as easily as I used to.

Add a country wide fonctionnaire strike into the mix, and all I really want to do is stay in bed. Thursday was supposed to be another one of those strike days that bring the city to a standstill. However, now that I have a couple of those under my belt, I know that 'standstill' usually means that instead of waiting two minutes for a train, you might wait eight minutes. Or have to take a different combination of lines to get to your destination. Everyone tries to scare you with stories of stations not even being open, terrible gridlock, and people fighting over Ve'libs, but I (knock on wood) haven't ever been really stuck. And so I checked the RATP website on Wednesday night and found that my trains were predicted to be running 1 out of 2, and 3 out of 4, so I left the house a good forty minutes early just to be safe and arrived at school, oh, a good 35 minutes early. No delays. No one on the trains. All that the stupid strike on Thursday did stress me out and make me early for everything I had to be on time for. And then it made me late for the one thing I actually wanted to be on time for. Fajita night. Have I told you that Erik makes the best fajitas? It's the perfect way to end a marathon day.

Oh, and the fonctionnaire of the house worked from home, because his line of RER was actually not running. And for some reason he didn't make it to the manifestation.

Anyway, I guess this has been a long winded way of saying that it's been a long week, and now I'm sick and have spent most of today in bed. I'm not looking forward to going back to school on Tuesday, and I hope that the next two weeks fly by. I need some time off!

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