Sunday, May 14, 2006

Cooking up a storm

Erik often makes fun of me for wanting a knife when I eat. Curry in a bowl is one of the few meals I'll eat with just a fork, but Erik thought it would be funny for this particular meal to provide me with all the possible utensils.

One of the things we ate in Valencia was tortilla an omlette with potatoes and onions. They were sooooo good. I found a recipe and tried it myself. Looked simple enough. Of course mine stuck completely to the bottom of the pan, and turned into scrambled eggs with hash browns. It's always fun to compare photos though. Doesn't look quite like the one in the recipe...

This was pear gorgonzola risotto with a slice of a really cool tomato. I can't remember what it was called, but Erik thought the shape was really interesting, and it was quite tasty too (all that from someone who swears he doesn't like tomatoes!)

There you go. Some tidbits from our kitchen.

Bon apetit!

1 comment:

leslie @ definitely not martha said...

I always love your food pictures!


For Tortilla (is it not the best thing ever????) if you are lucky enough to have an oven, try finishing your dish in there, rather than trying to flip it. Flipped omelette always makes scrambled eggs for me.