Sunday, May 07, 2006

Raw Sewage

A whiff of sewage from somewhere in the city reminded Erik of Steve's stinky toilet. Which led to us both declaring how badly we want to go back to Japan! (Just to clarify, the stinky toilet wasn't a particularly fond memory that we have of Steve's apartment, just a memory in general...)

Erik is busy right now watching sumo highlights online, and getting excited for the sumo basho, which I believe starts today. It doesn't help that Steve keeps sending us things like a recording of the last basho with English commentary, or a DVD of a Japanese comedy troupes latest endeavor: No Laughing High School. Picture four grown Japanese men dressed up in Japanese high school student school uniforms. They spend 24 hours at this school, and everytime they laugh they get smacked with a kendo stick. description seems a bit violent, but it's actually quite funny, despite the fact that we don't know that they are saying.

Then there were the cherry blossoms that seemed to say "go to Japan!" with every gust of wind.

Ah well. Until Erik finds a conference he (and I) can go to in Japan, I guess we'll have to amuse ourselves with take out sushi and trips down memory lane.

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