Saturday, July 29, 2006

Impulse purchase

At the grocery store last night, Erik and I both picked up some impulse purchases. I won't tell you about the one that Erik found, because he's not too proud of it, but these little cakes are fantastic!

A financier is a small cake-like cookie made with ground almonds. I've had them before at various bakeries, and always love them, but they're a bit pricey, so I don't buy them too regularly.

These individually wrapped cakes were so good that we almost finished the whole bag in the elevator on the way home. Erik had the last one for dessert with nutella spread on it, and, well, I'm sure you can imagine how good that was.

So these little cakes will now become part of my regular treat rotation, which currently includes (but is not limited to) orange flavoured chocolates that are pringle shaped, hazelnut tortinas, any plain milk chocolate bar, the yogurt in the terra cotta pots (although those seem to be making a fairly regular appearance around here) and chocolate covered marshmallow teddy bears. Oh, and I've recently discovered the French macaron, which probably deserves an entire post to itself. More on those another time.

Happy eating!

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