Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Socialist Party party

On Thursday evening, on the way home from the gym, Erik and I noticed a party being set up on Edgar Quinet Blvd. There were people putting beers on ice, and a DJ was setting up his equipment.

We decided to check it out.

So off we went after dinner to the Socialist Party party. And what a party it was. There were drinks and a bake sale, and the 'dance floor' was packed. With a huge variety of people. Lots of families and cute kids, some teenagers that looked like they were 'warming up' for a night on the town. Some single people. Some homeless people. And everyone was having a good time.

We grabbed our beers and joined in the fun.

There was a conga line, and they played the Macarena, and Cotton Eyed Joe. Cheesy songs, but ones that kept everyone moving.

Can you see the Tour Montparnasse in the distance?

It was a good time. Until we realized that we'd had perhaps too much fun.

It was a rough day on Friday.

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