Friday, November 10, 2006

The Joys of 38square metres*

I don't know what we're going to do when (if) we ever live in a regular (by regular, I mean North American sized) apartment again.

I had to laugh when Erik just got up to get something out of the fridge, and the opening of the (bar sized) fridge door caused his computer power supply to fall to the floor.

Or how the last time Joan and Howard called, I had to call them back so I could move the drying rack to reach to phone.

Or how using the toaster oven sized oven is a more effective heat source than our electric heater.

It certainly is cozy, but aside from baking, there really isn't too much that we miss.

We're starting to think that everyone should just move to Paris instead of us moving back....

(just kidding!) (but do visit!)

*My handy online conversion tool tells me that 38 square metres is approximately 409 square feet for all you imperial people!


leslie @ definitely not martha said...

Ah yes, the joys of the teeeeeeny apartment. :)

I had 18m2 to call my own....

Love the blog! Keep it up! Also, feel free to share any and all new french recipes....I would kill for some confit de canard right about now....

Anonymous said...

If you can survive a year in that apartment together you'll survive anything marriage throws at you!! Daryl and I have double that and we still bicker ...