Monday, October 16, 2006

Ok, I know it's been awhile, we've just been so busy with our boring everyday lives that I haven't had time to post.

Here's a quick update of what's been going on:
  • We're going to Italy!! Finally bought our tickets last night, we're not sure when Steve gets here, but we're leaving for Milan on December 23 and will be gone for about a week. I've been preparing for this trip by making gnocchi. Using a recipe written in French. Not only did I learn what a torchon and a lechefrite were (dishtowel, cookie sheet), I also learned how vague French recipes can be. It didn't list a quantity for the flour. Just said add until it's not sticky. Almost an entire bag later, I decided I had added enough, but it was still a sticky mess! Anyway, Erik and I have decided that anything served with a garlic butter sauce is a good thing, so I may just try to make it again. Or ask for lessons in Italy.
  • The stores were open on Sunday!!!! One of the things that continues to drive me bananas about Paris is the fact that NOTHING is open on Sundays. This means that Saturdays are a crazy stressful day because all errands and shopping need to be done on this day (plus a trip to the gym and about six loads of laundry without a dryer). Which means that they usually don't all get done, and we either starve on Sundays, or go without whatever thing we needed to buy (like the back up hard drive we've been meaning to buy since the last time Erik's computer gave him the blue screen of death. But then the computer revived itself, and we forgot about it. Except now that it's officially dead, we really wish we'd gotten one...) Anyway, to get back to my main point, for some reason, all the department stores were open on Sunday this weekend. We have no idea why, and there seem to be some pretty good sales going on aswell, so we took advantage of this to buy Erik some very fancy shoes. You should see him all dressed up now. He looks so French! He even changed out of his sweatpants last night to return the video (we're now finished season two of 24. Thank goodness there are two more to watch!)
  • Because this past month and a half have been so incredibly stressful, I am happy to report that it is vacances scolaires season again! As of next Wednesday, I'm off for two weeks all because of Toussaint (or All Saints Day). Seriously, I'm beginning to think that Canada hasn't gotten the memo that these religious holidays should involve as much time off work as possible. I'd also like to mention that Armistice Day (Remembrance Day here) is also a holiday. Unfortunately it's a Saturday this year, and I'm not sure if there will be any pont taking so soon after Toussaint.
  • Our apartment has been overtaken by some type of moth like insect. Every time we open the cupboards they fly out. We have no idea where they came from, or how to get rid of them, so we're working on peaceful co-habitation. At least they're not mice.
  • And I think that's about it. It looks like Air Canada is having a seat sale in our direction, so if you're looking for a holiday, our place has a super comfortable air mattress to offer up (seriously, just ask Nancy and Daryl and Roman. They loved it!) We're seriously considering investing in a blanket for guests who choose to visit this lovely city in the colder months. We're still planning on coming home in June for various weddings. I'd like to visit sooner, but time flies, and let's be honest, I'm not a huge fan of snow. And I hear you've had some of that stuff back there already, so I won't mention that I was wearing sunglasses and a tshirt on when I went shopping this afternoon....


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Thanks for the update, and good to see that things are, 'bien sur', going as normal in gay par-ee. just a note on co-habitation, as i've been experiencing the same thing, but with a human! Mark, of course, and i have found that living together goes just fine when you find nice ways of pointing out your domestic pet-peeves, such as: "Babe, can you please fold the towel before you put it back on the rack?" This however may not go as smoothly with the moths . . . "Please don't lay eggs in my butter" just doesn't have the same ring.

Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify - Nancy and Daryl and Roman did NOT all sleep on the said air mattress at the same time. Paris might be the land of the "menage a trois" but there was none of that in Torie and Erik's living room ;-)

Torie and Erik said...

Sorry Nancy!

Thanks for clearing that up for everyone. :)