Thursday, February 01, 2007

Erik Does Dinner

I know, I'm a pretty lucky girl. I have a fantastic husband, who not only does the dishes without being reminded, but also volunteers to make dinner during the week.

Which is why I have time to write this blog entry, while Erik whips up some Aroy-D green curry, one of our purchases from Freres Tang.

Anyway, it's been another slow week. On Monday, we went to see the Departed with Alex, at the movie theatre around the corner from our house. Enjoyed the movie, and also appreciated the subtitles, as I'm embarrassed to say that I found it hard to understand some of the Boston English. It's also always interesting to see how things are translated, especially all the swearing. I just don't equate the French merde with the way the f-word was thrown around in that movie.

And, Steve has informed us that we are no longer allowed to complain about the cold because (his words): once you are wearing a tuque indoors, a hooded sweatshirt to bed (hood up!) and must strategically plan ahead and dress for (yellow bath robe over hooded sweat shirt, both hood up) any adventure outside of the warm safety of the tatami room, then maybe...MAYBE you will have a blog entry more popular than mine. Yeah, we know, we're babies.

So, not much else to share...we're looking forward to Karina's visit, and have bought our tickets to Portugal! We're off to Lisbon for four days at the end of February, and are looking forward to sun, custard tarts, port and well, more sun. We also have a visit from my friend Alison coming up in a week, and two other friends in April, so looks like hotel Johnson will be hopping for awhile. Hope everyone likes air mattresses!

That's it for now.

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