Sunday, February 19, 2006

Rainy Day

Aside from the fact that I spent the day in my pyjamas (not that I need to justify it, but it's one of those rainy days, and the house really needed to be cleaned, plus we talked to Steve which inspired the making of miso soup...), it was Erik's turn to cook tonight. Look what he made:

Lemon and thyme chicken roasted in the oven with the rice, and parsnips, green beans and leeks. It was delicous! I'm so lucky to have such a great cook as a husband. (Erik just noticed that I never put my contacts in today. It's just been one of those days....).

Because Erik cooked, I got to clean. That means unloading the dishwasher, and filling it up with the dirty dishes. I have to say, I love the dishwasher. It's like magic. Dirty dishes go in, nice clean ones come out, no one has to stand over the sink for too long. It's great. It will definetly be missed once we move, but I know that we survived two years without one in Toronto, so I'm sure we'll manage at our new place.

That's it for now! To keep with our Japan theme today, we're going to watch some sumo.

Hope everyone had a nice Sunday. :)

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