Sunday, April 02, 2006

Canadians and Pants

I just want to post quickly to let you know that we celebrated Erik's birthday last night. It started at the Canadian bar and ended at the Pantalon. Many pints were drunk, champagne was popped, and not one, but two birthday speeches were made. Pictures were taken with Hilary's camera, and hopefully I'll have some to post later on this week. Also, when they kicked us out of the bar at closing time, they offered us plastic cups to take our remaining beer with us. How civilized! And we walked home. But we were a lot closer this time than last week.

The night was so successful that Erik and I managed to sleep away most of today. You know it's been a rough night when you wake up at noon, have tea and cookies for breakfast (yup, cookies. And they were delicious!), then get back into bed to watch Arrested Development and fall asleep again until 4:00. We did manage to salvage some of the day with a nice walk, a movie, a crepe and a greek sandwich. It seems like it's hard work turning 30...

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