Sunday, August 29, 2010


Somehow the text that I typed for this post never showed up, so here is a bit of an explanation, a little bit late.

Last weekend I was in Annecy for a reading workshop, a last minute decision, and a good way to get myself thinking about school again. The workshop was fine, but the highlight of the weekend was the city itself. I fell in love with Annecy the minute I saw the mountains from the window of the conference room. My hotel was right on one of the many canals, and I went for a lovely run around the lake where Annecy is situated. I wandered around the quaint old town on Saturday night, and from almost everywhere I could see the mountains. And everyone was so friendly! Anyway, all this to say that I am very much looking forward to going back with Erik to properly discover the town, and all the mountain-related activities that can be had.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Je suis content que tu es pu découvrir cette ville magnifique, j'en avais justement parlé à Erik pour t'emmener en amoureux ! :)

J'y suis né et ai vécu les plus belles années de mon enfance !