Friday, February 10, 2006

Feeling Confident in French! Day #5

Well, I'm sad to say that my week off has quickly come to an end, as has Pete's visit with us.

On Wednesday night we went for fondue with Pete and Zoe, then out for drinks afterwards. It was an enjoyable time, and you really can't go wrong with fondue!

Yesterday was a slow day, Pete got himself packed up, went to give a talk at his conference, then he and Erik headed out to see the catacombs. Unfortunately they were a bit late, and it was already closed. We had a last dinner together by the Arc de Triomphe and walked home. It was a nice final tour of the city for Pete.

He left this morning with Erik to catch his flight to London where he is visiting another friend for a couple of days before heading back to Canada.

We have a new addiction. Sudoku. Pete picked up the puzzle book that Erik got for Christmas and started doing the puzzles early on in his visit. He quickly got us all hooked, and we spent last week fighting over the book. They are very satisfying puzzles and now I understand why they are so popular.

Anyway, onto the main subject of the post. French. I've had a fair amount of practise this week, and have generally begun to notice that I understand things much more easily (although unexpected statements still throw me off). The cooking courses were in French, and I just got off the phone with SFR where I successfully changed my phone contract, and understood everything she was saying to me (and I'm assuming she understood me too!). I'm getting better about not getting hung up on words I don't know, and people are generally very helpful if you make an effort to ask about the word is that you're missing. It's a good feeling.

My plan for today is to try and check out the gym nearby. I've decided to postpone my cooking class for another day when I'm feeling more inspired. I still have to remind myself that I'm not going anywhere, so it's not necessary to squeeze everything I want to do into a small amount of time.

Erik is quite excited about the rugby game that he is going to see tomorrow (France vs. Ireland). He's going to wear his France jersey, but apparently will be cheering for Ireland. We'll see how that goes...

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!

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