Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Canada Day!

I wish I could say that we spent the day celebrating the Dominion of our great country, but in reality, we spent the day shopping. Which was quite satisfying.

We did celebrate at dinner by opening a magnum of champagne. Well, I guess you could say it opened itself. Daryl took the wire cage off and the cork exploded out of the bottle followed by a rush of delicious, delicious champagne. We hope Daryl and Nancy don't get stopped at customs, they might be red flagged now that their luggage has been saturated with bubbly (it spilled all over the floor!). I guess that counts as fireworks?

Speaking of fireworks, there may be some tonight. Who knows. France is playing Brazil, and I'm sure all hell will break loose regardless of the outcome.

That's it for now, hope everyone is enjoying the holiday.

PS. Had to add, now that we've opened the second bottle of the night. This PS is more of a 'Public Service' announcement. We've now deduced that hot champagne is highly pressurized. You'd think we would have figured that out after bottle number one. Unfortunately, we had to spill a second all over the floor to finally get the message. Duh.

PPS. One of the disadvantages of visiting Champagne is that you become accostomed to drinking champagne that you probably can't afford to drink on a regular basis. It's been a bit of a shock getting back to reality.

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