Friday, July 28, 2006

We're still here...

Not too much to report.

Changed the look of the blog, I thought the navy blue was getting a bit depressing. What do you think? Also trying to decide I should put the clocks in again. Any thoughts? Or have we all figured out the time differences? Or do we just not care anymore? :)

It's been a slow week for me. First week of vacation, and I spent the first two days not doing too much. It's just been too hot! I did go to the doctor (woohoo! Things happen fast in France. Appointment was made the same day, I had to get blood work done, and I got the test results in the mail the next day! I didn't think that was possible!).

I realized tonight that it has, however, been a week of not cooking.

On Monday we had a lovely dinner at a restaurant across the street. A tiny little place, with a pretty basic menu, friendly owner. Erik had an amazing steak tartare that was lightly fried, and I had pesto risotto. Yummy!

Tuesday we got pizza. Too hot to cook.

Wednesday Erik's supervisor had us, and some other people from the lab over for a barbeque. His backyard was huge, and he had an amazing number of varieties of tomatoes. Great food, and it began to pour just as our meal was ending. What a relief!

Thursday Pavel and Tatiana had us over for dinner with another big boss from the lab. The meal was absolutely delicious, from the champagne aperitif, to the lamb, to the tiramisu. Pavel truly outdid himself.

And tonight we had a boring old stir fry.

And that's about it.

I hope everyone is doing well. We're off to rent a movie.

(did I mention we finally got a fan???? We had been told at Darty that they weren't getting any more fans until the end of the month. When I went to pick up the Brita we ordered on Tuesday, however, there were a couple of fans there! People were leisurely reading about all the features, and comparing prices, but I just grabbed the fist one I saw. Seriously. When there is a fan shortage during a heatwave, do you really care if your fan is the 'silent' kind? Come on!)

1 comment:

Jing said...

i like the new look!

heat wave here too. it was absolutely sweltering today.

