Wednesday, March 15, 2006

American or English?

Now that I've got your attention...the good news. Drum roll please! Our internet works!!! Yay!!! No more mindless hours to be spent waiting for pages to load, or being booted off the networks we were hitchhiking on. Now I can post on the blog at lightning fast speed...

I forgot to wear my watch today. What a pain. Especially because my classroom doesn't have a clock. Thank goodness for cellphones...

Anyway, one of my kids this morning informed me that we don't speak English in Canada. Or in the United States. Here in France, they believe that there are actually two languages. The American language, that all us North Americans speak, and English that is spoken in Britain. I explained that we do actually speak English in North America. Then another student pipes up that the accents are different, that's why the language is different. I then pointed out that we also speak French in Canada, with a different accent, but it's still French. There are Belgians who speak French with a different accent, but it's still French. That seemed to be enough information to satisfy them, but I still don't get it. Since when do the French get to decide what language we speak?

Moving on. It's hard to stay angry about something like that when you've just eaten a super yummy dinner. Tonight it was Conchiglie con Salsa, or shell pasta with a walnut sauce. This is my new favorite super easy meal. The walnuts add a nice crunch, and the cheese and basil are obvious pasta musts. And Erik pointed out that he liked the way that the shell pasta held all the walnuts and sauce (I think he must have peeked at the recipe at some point! It says pretty much the exact same thing).

One last thing. We went to see a French movie last night, les Fauteils de l'Orchestre. For the first half of the movie we thought we were in for a super cheesy French film, but in the end, two of the characters made the movie worth seeing. And it was good practise. Anyway, we went out for coffee afterwards, and I found out that our friend Hilary also has a blog. And she has conveniently posted pictures of our trip to the Louvre in Napoleons apartments (scroll down through the post to see them). There is one quite unflattering picture of me, so, enjoy. Our camera is coming in April with Karina, so we'll have lots of pictures to share soon.

That's it for now. Another Wednesday under my belt, and it's smooth sailing for the rest of the week.

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