Thursday, March 16, 2006


They were the lunch entree today. Along with french fries and chocolate cake for dessert. The appetizer was a very French oeufs a mayonaise (saved some for the fries). It sure beat last weeks lunch, but wasn't too well recieved by the teachers. Too much bread in the hamburger bun (?). Too filling. Too heavy. The funniest part was that the kids I eat with had no idea what to do with the thing. The burgers were cut in half, so each kid got a half. None of them touched them, so eventually the teachers started taking the meat out of the bun for them (2-3 year olds). They were more than happy to eat their boeuf hachee sans bun, but when that patty was encased in toasted bread, it was beyond them.

One more school tidbit to share. Parental involvement. It's frowned upon. The school is having a spring party next Friday, and all the kids are dressing up as spring things. There is going to be a costume parade, and a special snack. No parents allowed. There are parents assigned from each class to help prepare this special snack, but the teachers got really antsy when the director mentioned that one of parents wanted to serve it. I found out that they don't like to have parents in the school because it is too disruptive (fair enough) and stressful. Apparently they have a special parents lunch in June when the parents can come to the school and eat with the kids. The teachers are already dreading it.

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