Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Risotto Revisited...again!

Alright. Everyone seems to be enjoying our food posts, so as a treat, here's what we had for dinner tonight:
Yes, we still have risotto left! Erik and I can hardly believe it! It seems like every other time it's been made, there's barely enough left for lunches the next day. I'm not much of a leftover fan (but a big risotto fan), so I forced myself to use some creativity to fix up the risotto (again!). Nothings worse than heating up the same thing you've been eating for the past three days. It's ok for lunch (way better than a sandwich!), but generally leftovers don't cut it for dinner in my books. It was usually leftover nights when we found ourselves at Sneaky Dee's (sigh) in Toronto. I'll have to start working on my fajita recipe.

All right. Back to tonight. Chicken breasts stuffed with risotto, and roasted fennel, sweet potato, onion and carrot, with a spinach salad.

The chicken breasts are pretty straight-forward. The butcher here slices them apart like a book, so they're always easy to fill with goodies. Tonight I sprinkled them with herbs de Provence and a little pepper, and put about a tablespoon of rice in each. Closed them up with some toothpicks, then they got a milk bath, and a roll in some breadcrumbs. I browned them on the stove before putting them in the oven to cook all the way through. Easy.

The veggies were just as simple. Thought I'd try fennel tonight, it's something I've never cooked before, but have read that it is really nice when it's roasted. I chopped up all the veggies, tossed them with olive oil and some more herbs de provence, and they went in the oven at a fairly high heat (I'm not doing any conversions yet, I just figure that since the oven automatically sets itself to 230C, that 275 should be pretty hot. I haven't burned anything yet!). Half an hour later they were ready to go. They sat out while the chicken cooked, then I popped them back in for five minutes to reheat. A quick toss with some balsamic vinegar (thanks for the tip, Joan), and we were sitting down to a yummy meal.

I took pictures, again, with my cell phone. However Erik and I have just spent an hour trying to figure out how to get the software to work, and we're just getting frustrated. So, Samsung gets a big thumbs down for non-user friendly technology, and you'll just have to use your imagination to picture our meal tonight.

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